Memories of John Nisbet

Memories of John Nisbet


Janet Shucksmith




I joined the Department of Education in 1982 on a very tentative two month contract to work as John Nisbet’s Research Assistant on the Learning Strategies project. That tentative beginning led to a quarter century working connection with him before I left Aberdeen to work back in England. John’s zest for educational research was infectious, his commitment to Education and Aberdeen University second to none. As he grew older he seemed to get more innovative in his thinking, rather than less – our work on Learning Strategies was evidence of this and has often been cited as well ahead of its time in its emphasis on metacognition . His work ethic was legendary, though he also knew how to relax (playing golf or walking the hills) in ways that I wish I could emulate. In particular he developed a collegial working culture which has been a model for me throughout my working life.

Janet Shucksmith
June 2016


Published in Volume 23 Issue 1, 50 Years Commemorative Issue,