NT Wright

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Annual Series

The Gifford Lectures

NT Wright

The 2018 Lectures here in Aberdeen were delivered by world-renowned biblical scholar Professor NT Wright (University of St. Andrews) under the overall title Discerning the Dawn: History, Eschatology and New Creation.

Professor Wright's lectures threw a spotlight on important questions of faith and belief in God, looking at how a renewed examination of history can lead to searching reconsiderations of role of religion in the modern world.

The lectures critically re-examined the ”widely shared cultural and philosophical presumptions that have conditioned our understanding of history”, and argued that better historical study of ancient Jewish and Christian traditions delivers important insights that allow us to reconsider fundamental questions about our understanding of God in the here and now.

As Wright explains, “in these lecture I develop a distinctive approach to natural theology that arises from reflection upon the significance of the ancient concept of the 'new creation' to help us understand the reality of the world and the reality of God in relation to one another.”

Recordings of the lectures are available to view here:

*to access the playlist of all the lectures, click on the 3rd button in the top menu within the video.