Anderson, Alexander

Anderson, Alexander
regent, then subprincipal by deed of date 12th Feb 1537, then principal by 1553 of King's College, Aberdeen, parson of Tyrie, rector of Kinkell, remained Catholic and so removed from office in 1569 along with rest of staff, d.1577. As anti-reformist also alienated himself from univ,. destroyed writings, sold ornaments, books and furniture of college. Lived several years in Aberdeen after his deposition, and died there.

From Provenance Catalogue: Anderson was Parson of Tyrie and Rector of Kinkell under Alexander Galloway. He was connected with King's College for many years: as regent (pre 1537); as subprincipal in 1537-8; and as principal, 1553 onwards. In 1560 he armed the students to drive off reforming intruders. A powerful orator, he defended popery against Knox in Edinburgh in the 1560s. He was deposed in 1569 by the Commission of Inquiry for not signing the confession of faith. He was the last Catholic principal of King's College. He lived in obscurity in Aberdeen til c.1576.
Biography Date
Biography References
CERL; Fasti 25,39, 51; Drummond 294; ESL 67; Rait, R.S.: The Universities of Aberdeen.

Book List

22 Items Ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner (other form of name) Book Title Author Publication Place Date
Anderson, Alex. Biblia latina. Venice 1484
Anderson, Alexander Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Erasmus, D. Basel 1524
Anderson, Alexander A tragoedie or dialoge of the unjuste usurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the just abolishyng... Ochino, Bernardino. London 1549
Anderson, Alexander In hoc opere continentur totius philosophiae naturalis paraphrases: adiectis ad literam scholiis declaratae... Introductio in libros Physicorum. Paraphrasis octo Physicorum... Aristotle. Paris 1521
Anderson, Alexander Aristophanous... Komodai endeka. Aristophanes. Venice 1538
Anderson, Alexander Sermonum Dominicalium totius anni, tum de epistolis, tum de evangeliis. Pepin, G. Paris 1537
Anderson, Alexander Rodolphi Agricolae Phrisii, de inuentione dialectica libri tres: cum scholijs Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemij. Agricola, R. Paris 1529
Anderson, Alexander Friderici Nauseae Episcopi Viennensis, invictissimi Caesaris &c Ferdinanti a sacris studiis & Consiliis, in catholicum Catechismum libri quinque. Nausea, F Antwerp 1551
Anderson, Alexander Works Gregory I, Pope. Paris 1523
Anderson, Alexander Commentaria Iuculentissima vetusissimorum Graecorum Theologorum in omnes D Pauli epistolas ab Oecumenio exacte & magna cura ad compenidium collecta: interprete... Oecumenius, Bishop of Tricca. Paris 1547
Anderson, Alexander A confutation of a booke intituled An apologie of the Church of England. Harding, T. Antwerp 1565
Anderson, Alexander Homiliarium D.V Iohannis Eckii fidem catholicam atque adeo veritatem Euangelicam contra haereticos asserentis, super Euangelia de tempore a Pascha usque... Eck, J. Paris 1540
Anderson, Alexander In hoc opusculo contentae introductiones. Chichtove, J. Paris 1533
Anderson, Alexander Bedae Presbyteri de natura rerum et temporum ratione libri duo. Bede, the Venerable, Saint Basel 1529
Anderson, Alexander In hoc opusculo contentae introductiones. Clichtove, J. n.p. n.d.
Anderson, Alexander Concordantiae bibliorum Conradus, of Halberstadt, the younger Speyer 1485
Andersone, Alexander In hoc volumine contenta, Divi Gregorii primi in beatum Job moralis expositionis libri XXXV; Pastoralis cure liber unus in IIII... Gregory I, Pope. Paris 1523
Andersone, Alexander Gabriel in tertiu (-quartu) librum sententarium. Biel, G. Basel 1508
Andersone, Alexander Basilii Magni Caesariensium in Cappodocia Antistitis sanctissimi opera plane divina, variis & locis sedulo collecta. Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea Paris 1523
Andersone, Alexander Valdensium ac quorundam aliorum errores Coussord, Claudius Paris 1548
Andersone, Alexander Petri Lombardi episcopi Parisiensis Sententiarum libri. III... Lombard, P. Paris 1539
Andersone, Alexr. Origenis operum pars secunda. Origen. Basel 1545