- Owner
- Symson, Alexander (fl. 1478-1526)
- Author
- Jerome, Saint.
- Publication Place
- Basel
- Printer
- Kesler, N.
- Publication Year
- 1492
- Inscription
- 1. Pro Alexandro Symson Canoico Aberdonen Brugez ano 1495; Pro Alexro Symson canco abbdonen. AS.; 2. Franciscanorum abd.; 3. Liber Mri Guilielmi Andersone 1611; 4. M. Robertus Gordonius Abredonie cis is cxi Cal. Jul.; M. R. Gordonius; 5. Liber Acad. Marisch. Abredon.
- Date of Provenance
- 1495
- Type of Provenance
- Inscription
- Shelfmark
- Inc 177 - Search the Library Catalogue
Other Book Owners
- Anderson, William (fl. 1584-1631)
- Franciscanorum Aberdonensium (c.1461-1560)
- Marischal College (1593 - 1860)
- Gordon, Robert (1580-1661)