3 Folio 98v, The Burnet Psalter. University of Aberdeen.

Folio 98v

Devotions to the Virgin Mary, continued.

Prayer, Deus cui accepta, continued.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998

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Obtulerunt pro eo domino par turturum\ aut duos pullos columbarum.

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Lumen ad revelacionem gencium\ et gloriam plebis tue Israel.

Kyrieleyson Christeleyson\ Kyrieleyson.

Pater noster.


Credo in deum\

Post partum virgo inviolata permansisti.

Dei\ genitrix intercede pro nobis.

Domine exaudi.

Et\ clamor.


Prayer , Immensam et indebitam.

A prayer to God, asking that through the intervention of Mary, mother of God, he may absolve us from our sins, correct the faults of which we are guilty, keep us from evil, and enable us through our good works to share in the blessedness of immortality.

Immensam et indebitam pie\tatem tuam omnipotens deus humiliter imploramus\ ut nos interventu sancte dei genitricis Marie et a\ peccatis omnibus propicius absolvas atque a cunctis\ reatibus clementer emendes tuaque miseracione\ ab omni iniquitate custodias et omnibus [bonis] ope\ribus iugiter intentos beate immortalitatis prestes\ esse particepes. Per eundem dominum nostrum.\

Prayer, Deus qui de.

A prayer to God (folio 87v; MR, 1, p 324), whose word became flesh from the womb of the Virgin Mary, at the message of an angel, asking that we who believe her truly to be the mother of God ...

Deus qui de beate Marie virginis ute\ro verbum tuum angelo nuncian\te carnem suscipere voluisti presta\ supplicibus tuis ut qui vere eam dei genitricem\

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