Folio 82r

Devotions to the body of Christ and the sacrament, continued.

Introduction to the prayers, Percepcio corporis, and others.

After receiving the body of Christ, let these prayers be read.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

Post percepcionem corporis Christi legantur iste\ oraciones.

Prayer, Percepcio corporis et.

A prayer to Jesus Christ. The author asks that the receiving of the body and blood of Christ should not bring upon him guilt and punishment but be a saving remedy; that it should cleanse, strengthen and protect him, so that he may attain everlasting joy. In the knowledge that his soul is refreshed by this holy mystery, he asks that at the hour of his death Christ will be present to him, send his holy angel to meet him and bring him, safe from the power and assaults of devils, to the contemplation of Christ's glory in heaven. He asks that if he himself does not deserve this reward, he may receive it through Christ's mercy and the intercession of the Virgin Mary and all the saints.

Percepcio corporis et sangui\nis tui Christe Ihesu salvator mundi quem [quam]\ ego miserrimus peccator de tua pietate non de meis me\ritis confisa suscipere presumpsi non sit reatus michi\ ad penam sed intercessio salutaris ad veniam sit ab\lucio scelerum meorum, sit fortitudo fragilitatis mee,\ sit michi munimen invincibile quod me interius prote\gat et exterius circumdet ut in isto seculo tua sancta\ gracia semper et ubique protectus atque circumdatus\ ad eternam valeam pervenire gaudea. Rogo te\ eciam pie domine ut cum meam animam quam modo sacro\ misterio scio esse refectam ab isto iusseris exire mei\ itineris dux benignus digneris adesse michique tuum sanctum\ angelum obviamque omni potestate et incursione de\monum ereptam ad tuam speciem in celo perpetuo con\templandam perducat. Quod et si propriis meritis\ hec non merear per tuam misericordiam, Et per intercessionem\ tue sanctissime genitricis semperque virginis Marie et\ omnium sanctorum tuorum consequar. Per dominum nostrum Ihesum Christum\ filium tuum et cetera.

Two prayers concerning the body of Christ.

De corpore Christi. Oracio\

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