Folio 76v

Devotions to the cross and passion of Jesus Christ, continued.

Introduction to the prayer, Sancte crucis tue, continued.

... by him to make each day and night the sign of the cross.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

se deberet omni die ac nocte signare cum sequenti signo,\ S [signum crucis].

Prayer, Sancte crucis tue.

A prayer to God. The author asks that the sign of the cross may fortify him and render his enemy powerless; that it may be his defence, putting the evil within him to flight and preserving the good; and that by the sign of the cross we may be delivered from our enemies.

Sancte crucis tue signum sensus me\os muniat. Et vexillo triumphali\ me victorem faciat, ut devictus in\imicus viribus deficiat. Crucis signum me con\signet mea sit tuicio. Qui me emit et redemit\ sue carnis precio. Per crucis hoc signum fugiat pro\cul omne malignum. Et per idem signum salvetur\ quodque benignum. Per signum sancte crucis de\ inimicis nostris libera nos deus noster.


Prayer, Da michi queso.

A prayer to God. The author asks that he may please God in thought and deed, and that God may support and defend him.

Da michi queso omnipotens deus velle cogitare\ incipere facere et perficere ea que tibi\ placent et michi expediunt. Fac me de\clinare a vicio et facere bonum, relinquere vicia\ et apprehendere virtutes per quas intelligam te\ laudare, te amare, te timere tuaque precepta ser\vare. Et ut hec omnia optinere valeam tua\ gracia me semper preveniat et sequatur. Da\ michi domine in perturbacione consilium, in persecuti\one auxilium, in omni tribulacione solacium et\ veram pacienciam in ira modestiam in omni tempta\

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