Artificial intelligence (AI) is ‘an intelligent system’ capable of performing tasks thought to require intelligence (i.e. human reasoning and problem-solving skills). The Industrial Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research in Digital Diagnostics (iCAIRD) is a £15.8m pan-Scotland cross-sector collaboration to enable better and earlier diagnosis, more efficient treatment and improved outcomes for patients by applying AI in the healthcare system. This iCAIRD programme is funded by Innovate UK. One of the programme’s goals is to prepare an AI digital diagnostic system for use as part of the Breast Screening Programme in Scotland to detect breast cancers.
The PREP-AI-R study will develop a systematic approach to assist the evaluation of an AI-assisted system to detect breast cancer in real-world settings. For this we will take a user-focused approach that involves exploring what stakeholders’ (such as service users, providers and policy makers) want and need from an AI assisted breast cancer detection system if it was to be deployed in clinical practice.
- Rumana Newlands; r.newlands@abdn.ac.uk