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Radical Songs
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The Voice of Radicalism

Tory Account of the Aberdeenshire Voters


Tory Account of the Aberdeenshire Voters


"Ha, ha, the wooin' o't"


The farmers here are all gane gyte;
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
The Herald paper has the wyte;
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
It makes their matters all sae plain,
Nae langer we can blin' the men;
And ten to ane the Bruce will gain -
Was ever seen sic votin' o't?

The Deeside farmers girn like ours;
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
The Don and Gerie spek like burs;
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
The Buchan too, hae ta'en the gee;
Tho' we rin wud as wud can be,
They'll back the Captain aff to sea -
A curse upo' sic votin' o't!!

The ten-pound voters roun' an' roun',
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
In ilka little petty town,
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
Are grown sae scant o' mense an' grace,
A proof we're in a waefu' case,
They spit amaist into our face
Whene'er we hint - the votin' o't.

Gin ye had got your will, we see,
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
The fient a vote we'd hae to gie;
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
Ye've deen your warst, and shawn tooth;
Our pardon ye should beg, forsooth!
Nor let sic word ance cross your mouth,
As ask us to - the votin' o't!

What! Shall the shires of Scotlan' all -
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -
Turn up their nose at Tories Call?
Ha, ha, the votin' o't -


Grace Banks
David Hunter
Shirley Watt
Eric White


extracted from the Aberdeen Herald, October 1832.
Political ballads, set to well-known tunes, were popular during the nineteenth century. This electioneering song discussing Aberdeenshire candidates, is anti-Tory in sentiment.

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