Folio 319v

Litany with tropes and final collects, continued.

Prayer, Exaudi nos clementissime.

Burnet Psalter image.  University of Aberdeen. A prayer to God the Father, asking that he may hear our prayers and comfort us, and through the binding of his hands and the hanging of his body from the cross, absolve of our sins at this the hour before our death.

Exaudi nos clementissime pater oracio\nem nostram et conforta nos in te per\ alligacionem manuum tuarum et per\ suspensionem sanctissimi corporis tui absol\ve nos a peccatis nostris omnibus que fecimus usque\ in hanc horam priusquam moriamur. Per dominum.\

Prayer, Omnipotens sempiterne deus te.

A prayer to God, asking that he may not let us perish for our sins, but that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and all the saints he may grant us time before our death, through confession and repentance, through faith love and humility, through a sincerely righteous life and a holy end, to merit his favour

Omnipotens sempiterne deus te humiliter\ deprecamur ne nos perire permittas\ propter peccata nostra quia creature tue\ sumus sed intercedente beata Maria semper virgi\ne cum omnibus sanctis concede nobis spacium in\ te vivendi ut ante diem exitus nostri per puram\ confessionem et veram penitenciam et fidem rec\tam caritatem perfectam humilitatem non fic\tam vitam bonam sanctum finem tibi domino place\re mereamur. Per.\

Prayer, Satisfaciat tibi domine.

A prayer to God, asking that through the suffering of his son on the cross ...

Satisfaciat tibi domine deus noster pro peccatis\ quibus te offendimus ut angustiis\ quibus nunc affligimur sanguis dilecti filii\ tui in ara crucis effusus vulnera passio mors\ clamor validus in morte extensio omnium mem\

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