Folio 79v

Devotions to the body of Christ and the sacrament, continued.

Introduction to the prayer, Domine Ihesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam, continued.

... say this prayer between the elevation of the body of Christ and the third petition of the Agnus dei, Boniface has granted, at the request of King Philip of France, an indulgence of two thousand years.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

dicentibus inter elevacionem corporis Christi et tercium agnus dei\ dominus papa [sanctus] Bonefacius concessit omnibus dicentibus duo milia an\norum indulgentiam ad supplicacionem Philippi regis\ Francie.

Prayer, Domine Ihesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam.

A prayer to Jesus Christ (HE, p 72) who redeemed us with his body and blood. The author asks that through the celebration of the sacrament at the altar he may be protected from sins of the body and the spirit, from temptation by the devil and from the snares of his enemies visible and invisible..


Domine Ihesu Christe qui\ hanc sacratissimam carnem tuam et precio\sissimum sanguinem tuum de gloriose vir\ginis Marie <utero> assumpsisti et eundem <hunc> preciosissimum san\guinem tuum de sacratissimo latere tuo in ara crucis\ pro salute nostra effudisti et in hac gloriosa carne a\ mortuis <morte> resurrexisti et ad celos ascendisti et iterum\ venturus es iudicare vivos et mortuos <in eadem carne>. In ea\dem carne libera <nos> me omnipotens deus per hoc sacratissi\mum corpus tuum quod modo tractatur in altari ab\ omnibus <peccatis et> immundiciis anime <mentis> et corporis et ab universis\ malis et periculis et ab omni temptacione diaboli\ mundi et carnis et ab insidiis et potestate omnium\ inimicorum meorum visibilium et invisibilium <nunc et in eternum>. Amen.\

Prayer, Concede michi domine.

A prayer to God. The author asks for the opportunity to confess and repent before the end of his life.

Concede michi domine deus omnipotens spacium vite et\ gratiam bene vivendi ut ante diem exitus\ mei et veram cordis contricionem puram\ confessionem veram penitenciam pro peccatis meis habere\

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