Folio 63v

Fifteen prayers ('The Fifteen Os') of St Bridget, continued

Prayer, O Ihesu rex, continued.

St Bridget invokes Christ's words to his mother and St John: 'Woman, behold thy son' (John, 19:26). She asks that through the sword which then pierced Christ, he may have compassion on her sufferings, physical and spiritual, and console her in times of distress.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

mendasti dicens, Mulier ecce filius tuus. Ro\go te pie Ihesu per gladium doloris qui tunc animam\ eius pertransivit [gladius] ut compaciaris michi mi\serrimo peccatori in omnibus tribulacionibus et\ afflictionibus meis corporalibus et spiritualibus et da\ michi consolacionem in omni tempore tribulaci\onis. Amen.

Pater noster.

Ave Maria.\

Prayer, O Ihesu fons.

The seventh of fifteen prayers of St Bridget to Jesus Christ (Oratio vii, HE, p 78). She invokes his words on the cross: 'I thirst' (John 19:28) and interprets these as thirst for the salvation of mankind. She asks that he may kindle in us the desire for a perfect life and extinguish our thirst and hunger for wordly things.

O Ihesu fons inhauste pietatis qui ex\ intimo dilectionis affectu in cruce\ dicisti, Sicio scilicet salutem humani generis.\ Attende [Accende] quesumus nostrum desiderium ad omne opus\ perfectum et sitim carnalis concupiscencie et\ estum mundane dilectionis <delectationis> in nobis penitus\ refrigera et extingue. Amen.

Pater noster.


Prayer, O Ihesu dulcedo.

The eighth of fifteen prayers of St Bridget to Jesus Christ (Oratio viii, HE, p 78). She asks that through the bitterness of the vinegar and gall which he tasted on the cross, he may permit us to receive communion in the hour of our death for the good of our souls.

O Ihesu dulcedo cordium ingensque sua\vitas mencium per amaritudinem\ aceti et fellis quam pro nobis sustinu\isti et degustasti in hora mortis nostre <tue> concede no\bis corpus et sanguinem tuum digne percipere ad\ remedium et consolacionem animarum nostrarum do\mine deus meus. Amen.

Pater noster.

Ave Maria.\

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