Folio 27v - Item de columba; Also of the dove.

Folio 28r - De columbe pedibus; Of the feet of the dove. De pennis deargentatis; Of its feathers.

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The mystic aspects of the dove. The silver coloured dove.


A dove in a roundel. This rather plain lifeless bird does not do justice to the luscious pictorial descriptions devoted to the dove on ff.26-30r. However, raking light reveals a lustrous silvered quality to the paint. The dove's feet are described as red for its symbolic meaning on f.28r but are shown as brown on f.27v.The extended rubric is written up the side of the image. Initial type 2.



The mystic aspects of the dove. The dove's red feet. The silver wings.


Two excisions on this folio. They would have been two paintings of doves inside a circle inside a square as seen in Ashmole 1511, f.39v. In Ashmole, as here, the rubric is squeezed in vertically, up the side of the illustration. On the top right margin are two faint sketches of circles in squares. The feature shown in the lower sketch may be like the cat on f.5r. Illegible text correction in margin but no corresponding alteration to the text. Initial type 2, quire mark of four 'matchsticks', colour indication in top right margin (a);Editorial addition in right margin, four lines from bottom: 'id est terrenorum'. The standard text reads 'id est terrenorum crudelitate/ that is the cruelty of earthly things' (Clark, 192, 130).